PC Engine
Super Famicom
Mega Drive


This stage is the most solid and Arcade faithful of the game for the Mega Drive and it is the only port that retains pretty much every aspect from the Arcade version. The main difference is a couple extra holes in the orange fence that are hold overs from the Super Famicom version that all the ports are based on. Even the general coloring is pretty much consistant, even it doesn't look as nice as the other ports. The contrast is even closer to the Arcade than the Super Famicom version is some ways. The Mega Drive version is the only port with the two signs on the foreground fence, the red(ish) colored sign of the door of the orange fence and the vertically hanging chain across the foreground.

The Super Famicom version has the forground fence, only without the signs. The coloring doesn't just corespond with the general themes of the Arcade like the Mega Drive version, its all much closer, better looking and there is more shading. The PC Engine version has the same amount of shading as the Super Famicom version. The far background is more purple'ish plus the orange fence also looks less Arcade-like. The left side with the cheering crowd has nicer colors which are closer to the Arcade. There is an extra sign on the orange fence and the foreground fence is missing.

The Super Famicom and Mega Drive ports both have the same two layered background of the Arcade version.




PC Engine
Super Famicom
Mega Drive


The Mega Drive version loses a noticible amount of shading on this stage. The Super Famicom version retains the Arcade's orange tinge of the bottom shading of the floor, otherwise the floor is almost identical to the PC Engine version, in which the orange detailing of the carpet is closest to the Arcade. The Super Famicom has a unique staircase and picture frame that is colored like the Arcade. The PC Engine uses more vibrant colors and has extra shading. The same section for the Mega Drive version is based in the PC Engine design.

The mural of Ganesh uses the same artwork across all three ports, except that the bottom right corner of the PC Engine version was redrawn for some reason and looks less like the Arcade. The PC Engine version is the only port with red colored diamond wall patterns like the Arcade. The PC Engine and Super Famicom ports both have the beige/pink and gold jug swapped from the Arcade positions. In the Mega Drive version they have the same positions as the Arcade, but both are colored gold.

The Mega Drive and Super Famicom versions both have two layered backgrounds.




PC Engine
Super Famicom
Mega Drive


The PC Engine version uses more vibrant colors overall once again, but the tint of the statue and the grass at the bottom of the screen is the least similar to the Arcade. For some reason the grass pattern from midway up the screen continues all the way down on the PC Engine version. Although the colors aren't the nicest, the Mega Drive version maintains pretty much all of the shading of the other ports from the statue upward. Only the Super Famicom version uses similar colors for the rocks as the Arcade.

The buildings scroll horizontally over the horizon on the Super Famicom version. The Arcade scrolls a background layer vertically, but it begins much lower, near the base of the statue's foot. The Mega Drive version's second background layer begins at the same position as the Arcade, but it is the only version that scrolls it both horizontally and vertically.




PC Engine
Super Famicom
Mega Drive



The Mega Drive version loses shading in most of the stage, but it's floor is colored the most similar to the Arcade. The PC Engine version has a different shaped bell than the other two ports. The Super Famicom version is the only port in which the bell is colored different than the Arcade. The large building in the background is colored the most similar to the Arcade on Super Famicom, but the top of the steeple has some floating pixels that make it look like it's shaped different than the other other versions. The monument that appears on each side midway through the background has much more vibrant and Arcade faithful colors on PC Engine.









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